Information for Group Leaders
This page has links to all the documents and resources you will need to plan and organise a successful residential with us. The more we know about your aspirations for your residential the better we can be at delivering the activities and experiences that will meet, and exceed, these goals. We will be in contact on a number of occasions prior to your visit to ensure you have all you need and to support you in your preparations.
To guide you through the planning process we have put together a planning timetable that will let you know what happens at each stage of the process. Please click here to download.
All the paperwork you will need, and referred to in the planning timetable, can be downloaded from the list below.
For guidance on the roles and responsibilities of visiting staff please see the Role of Visiting Staff page on the left.
Finally, for more detailed information about the health and safety of educational visits please go to the Trips & Visits Information page.
Course Planning Timetable
Downloads for Group Leaders