Primary Groups
At Lledr Hall we specialise in outdoor education residentials for primary schools. We provide bespoke courses for all abilities and liaise with you to design a programme that will meet the needs of every member of your group.
We work hard to ensure all our courses are fully inclusive. Our courses and activities are planned to be progressive in order to provide different levels of challenge appropriate to your group. We are constantly monitoring progress to ensure that each pupil is engaged at a level that matches their own abilities and development. Programmes are designed to promote personal skills such as independence, confidence, perseverance and leadership, as well as developing social skills such as teamwork, communication, cooperation and support.
We embrace activities and experiences which are adventurous, involve physical activity and always respect the natural environment. All activities can be adapted to suit Key Stage 2 pupils. Please see our activities page for more information about the range of activities we can provide.
As qualified teachers we have up to date knowledge of the challenges that face primary schools. We have a clear focus on raising standards, utilising a range of learning approaches that are unique to Lledr Hall. We make links back to your school development plan such as raising underachievement in boys or developing oracy with less confident children. We understand the need to show impact and regularly write reports and provide evidence for stakeholders such as Governing bodies and parents.
Lledr Hall is located in Snowdonia National Park. We are surrounded by beautiful countryside with rivers, mountains and woodland on our doorstep. We can therefore provide sessions linked to curriculum and designed to support the curriculum through activities such as:
- River study
- Woodland investigation
- Map reading and orienteering
- Weather & the water cycle
- Geographical processes
- Village study and contrasting localities
- Problem solving and teamwork
All these sessions can be stand alone or be integrated into of one of our outdoor activity programmes. We include cross curricular links in our activity sessions, providing real life experiences that will support work when you get back to school.
At Lledr Hall our main aims are always a combination of fun and learning in an outdoor context, with safety as a priority. We are licensed by AALS and all our staff hold the appropriate National Governing Body Qualification for each activity.
Our focus is not just activity taster sessions. We deliver high quality outdoor education that is personal, appropriate and inspiring. We follow nationally recognised publications of good practice such as High Quality Outdoor Education and Ofsted's Outdoor Education: Aspects of good practice. We have been awarded the AHOEC gold standard. As a Centre displaying the Gold Standard logo you can be assured of a safe and quality outdoor experience and are also accredited to both the LOtC Quality Badge and for Adventuremark. This gives further reassurance of the quality and safety of your course at Lledr Hall both to you and other interested parties such Governors and parents.
Our unique selling point is our ability to provide bespoke courses meeting the needs of your school and group. Just ask and we can normally accommodate any request!
If you need further information about a course at Lledr Hall please don’t hesitate to get in touch.